6 Ways I Boost my Productivity as a Blogger

by | Oct 12, 2020 | Blogging Tips

I am officially back working full-time as an educator and teaching face-to-face. After a 6 month long hiatus, it took me a while to get back into the swing of balancing being a content creator, mother, and having a full-time job. I quickly learned that I had to get creative in ways to increase my productivity. Here are 6 tips that have helped me boost my productivity as a blogger.

Tip 1: Wake up Earlier

I am definitely a late sleeper and luckily for me, my two daughters allow me to sleep in. Unfortunately, I learned that the weekends, when I usually sleep-in, are no longer for sleeping in. Most of the hours I spend on creating content are dedicated to the weekends. I find that my most productive days are when I wake up at least an hour earlier. I am up before everyone else and I get quiet time. Waking up earlier also helps me combat procrastination and gives me more time to think clearly and reflect on the goals I want to accomplish for the day.

Tip 2: Setting Timers

This helps me stay on track and focus on the task at hand. Once the timer goes off I know that no matter what, I have to stop. Sometimes it is so easy to get distracted, especially with two kids. I also limit my time on social media apps, so that I can utilize my free time effectively.

Planning Tools

Tip 3: Detailed Planning

I have always been a planner, especially when trying to juggle everything I have on my plate. Going back to work full-time was a whole different beast I had to tackle. At the end of August, I created a plan for my September content, but the execution of the plan was terrible. I didn’t take into consideration the details, meaning the time it would take me to create the content I wanted to create. For example, I had a list of blog topics and due dates, but I didn’t schedule the time that I would actually perform the task. I soon became overwhelmed trying to tackle everything at once and let’s just say, September was my lowest performing month. For the month of October, I strategically planned out the content along with the amount of time it would take me to create it. This technique has helped out tremendously and gives me a clearer picture of what is realistic and what is not.

Tip 4: Batching

Batching is when you set aside intentional time to focus on creating a lot of content at once. This technique has helped me stay consistent and has made creating content easier. For instance, I usually plan a photoshoot on Sunday. I am able to shoot 2 weeks of content in one day. The fact that I have gotten the photos out of the way, gives me more time to juggle the rest of my platforms.

Related Post: How I Batch my Blog Posts: 6 Easy Steps

Tip 5: Productivity Apps

Finding effective productivity tools is a must! I use a variety of apps that help me stay organized with my planning. My phone is always with me so it’s very convenient. Some apps that have helped me boost my productivity are:

Self-care must be a priority!

Tip 6: Self-Care

Nothing more devastating then getting creator burnout. I remember a time during this year where I was pushing myself daily and it came to a point where I was sick of social media, creating content, and I just couldn’t think of any new content ideas. It is very important to carve out time for self-care. I make sure that my self-care time is all about me! I do things that I enjoy doing and just take a break from working.

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Let me know how you stay productive! Let me know in the comments!

Love & Light!

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